For newly launched small businesses and websites - this one’s for you!
My web site assessment services started as a service to help small and struggling businesses and nonprofits who launched prior to the start of the pandemic. Since then, I have grown my client base and now offer this as a starter point for businesses who need help, but don’t yet know where to begin. A simple website assessment offers an immediate insight into what’s working, what isn’t, and what can go bye-bye forever.
Each website assessment includes:
- Custom page by page recommendations on how to better optimize your website.
- Three (3) relevant images or graphics (that you may wish to use via your social channels and/or your website).
Quick FAQ about the website assessment:
1. Do you need to provide access to the backend of your website?
- Nope, I do this remotely and simply need the website address and any associated landing pages.
2. Do I make the changes to your site?
- Not at all, I simply outline my suggestions, to help you better optimize your website. You would then provide that info to your web developer or web manger to make those updates/changes - as you see fit.
3. How long does a website assessment take to complete?
- Each website varies in terms of content, tabs and size so time will vary depending on those factors and my schedule but typically within a week.
4. Do you provide copywriting / copyediting services?
- I do! I can help craft new messaging, content and blog posts for your website pages or build upon existing messaging.
5. What is the cost for a website assessment?
- Each website assessment is based on the size, content and readability of each website. So, the price varies from $199-$349 for larger sites.